Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Becoming Country Bumpkins

My parent's imminent move to the beautiful East Sussex countryside got me to thinking how fashion can be dictated by our geography, I have started to see how high fashion takes both the garments and setting for inspiration. There is the practical element of course which the country requires of you and whilst crunching through the snow and walking the grounds in freezing temperatures I was very grateful for my wellington boots and duffel coat! (Although one day I hope these to be 'Barbour jacket and Hunter wellies')

My favourite fashion shoot which encapsulates the eccentricity of the countryside features Emma Watson in Teen Vogue.

"Shot in and around an old English Country manor, the styling reflects the attitude of the new, more mature Watson that we have recently grown accustomed to." (Teen Vogue, 2009)

Not only is Watson absolutely stunning, I love the colour contrast between her colourful and texturised outfits against the hazy landscape settings.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Beautiful & Glossy

There is something about fashion magazines that get me all excited like butterflies in my stomach. Whether it is too many episodes of Sex and the City and wanting to live Carrie Bradshaw's life and in particular writing a column for a New York newspaper and in her spare time sitting reading Vogue in her beautiful Manhattan apartment. Last year at university I got into the habit of walking to the Student Express shop every Sunday to buy a couple of newspapers, a glossy fashion magazine and a weekly. It was the perfect Sunday!

Last Christmas I was very kindly given a year subscription to Elle and Harper's Bazaar. I'm not quite managing Carrie Bradshaw's lifestyle just yet and now have a pile of about ten unopened magazines which I feel like I am failing in some way. I resolved that 2010 would be the year when I can save a few pennies and make my way through the piles of magazines (including International publications which my parents have brought back from various holidays abroad) was short lived. Come the 2nd of January I checked my bank account only to see that National Magazine had debited my account by £15. Which of the monthly publications I shall be receiving I do not know but either Elle or Harper's Bazaar will be dropping on my doormat within the next week or so and I have to say, I'm very excited!

Friday, 1 January 2010

When Harry Met Sally

I am so excited about the classic film 'When Harry Met Sally' being put on the stage. In February this year, a group will go on tour around the UK and I shall definitely be buying tickets to take my girlies along to watch in Nottingham. It looks like it has got a great cast too with Hollyoaks' Sarah-Jayne Dunn and Coronation Streets' Rupert Hill. It will be very entertaining to see some of the scenes on stage!

Christmas Lists

It has become a long-running tradition in the Letley family for the grandchildren to write a Christmas list. I have very fond memories at my grandparents house where my sister and I would sit up all night going through the Argos catologue and writing a million different things down on a list as long as my arm!

It was halfway into December when my deadlines were completed and I got my life back leading to being a bit carried away. I added visuals, prices, places to purchase from... It seems these days to be such a luxury to sit down and write down a Christmas list but this year I found myself writing 'printer ink cartridges' and 'electric toothbrush head'...a definite sign of my age!