It's that time of the year when hearing the letterbox go doesn't always mean bills or junk mail hitting the doormat. Instead it's a time to unveil beautiful cards with lovely messages from friends and family to display on your mantle piece.
In the digital age we live in (plus, I like to think an element of being environmentally friendly), brands are taking on the e-card to design and personify their message to their important Outlook contacts.
From Running In Heels today, this is one of my favourite e-cards I've seen to date. It doesn't have overt branding with conflicting logos against the design aesthetic or messaging, and it would very easily be one I'd display on my 'online mantle piece' (hello Pinterest!)
Friday, 21 December 2012
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Beauty Babble: No7 Protect & Perfect Intense Beauty Serum
Brand: No7
Product: Protect & Perfect Intense Beauty Serum
How to use: "Smooth into your face and neck after cleansing and toning."
Through rose-tinted spectacles...
This serum feels a little like Vaseline on your fingertips before applying to your face which, initially, was a little disconcerting. However, my skin drank this serum in and felt utterly smooth and grease-free shortly afterwards. This would also act as a brilliant primer as it evens out skin, making it feel nourished and smooth in the process. Very light so whilst my skin quickly absorbed it, I think a heavier night cream would be in order.
Available at Boots, £23 for 30ml
Product: Protect & Perfect Intense Beauty Serum
How to use: "Smooth into your face and neck after cleansing and toning."
Through rose-tinted spectacles...
This serum feels a little like Vaseline on your fingertips before applying to your face which, initially, was a little disconcerting. However, my skin drank this serum in and felt utterly smooth and grease-free shortly afterwards. This would also act as a brilliant primer as it evens out skin, making it feel nourished and smooth in the process. Very light so whilst my skin quickly absorbed it, I think a heavier night cream would be in order.
Available at Boots, £23 for 30ml
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Shoe by definition
A friend told me that this Zara vamp shoe is "so me" it basically embodies my personality. Let's have a little over-analytical look at this...
The High Heel
A strong back bone and reflection of standing my ground (height equals power, anyone?)
The Colour
Red is both the astrological colour of the fire symbol and matching the independent, bold and daring qualities of an Aries.
Ankle Support
The shoe has and I have a strong support system. Through my stabilising, I like to offer grounded and stable advice to those close to me.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Anything that's pink and has bubbles...
Who would have thought the standard blue and white tubs could be glamour-ised in such a way?
Image sent via Superdrug emailer, October 2012.
Friday, 10 August 2012
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Look into my eyes...I see...diamante!!
I am temporarily blinded by the dazzling diamante on this pair of court shoes by Matalan!! I very much hope this isn't just good photography and the real thing does it justice because with a price point of £20, it seems you can't really go wrong! The perfect pair for dressing up any outfit!
Monday, 2 July 2012
Bling da la bling!
With a name like 'BLING D' these shoes couldn't be more perfect! Just look at them!
Eye-catching glitter-fest for your feet...
Adding just the right number of inches to my 5ft 3in frame...
A classic design which will be the making of a party dress or drainpipe jeans outfit alike!
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Surprising... Hello, Tesco Direct
Colour blocking is all over the high street, fashion magazines and modeled by celebs everywhere thanks to the SS12 catwalks. It's not always easy to get on board with the trends that pendulum through the shops but when Tesco Direct can offer a fabulous brightly coloured blazer in up to 6 different colours, how can you say no? Only £22 - b.a.r.g.a.i.n.
Something very VB/Roland Mouret about this design. Very flattering sleeve detail and cut to contain and minimise the bingo wings yet a sexy little cut-out shoulder exposé. Beautiful teal colour is great for working with a tan during the summer commute to work or with black tights in the winter. £28
When a tenner can buy you this simple but totally versatile little number, you can't go wrong! Dress down simply with flip-flops and bikini by the pool, or wear by day with sparkly little sandals and cardigan or dress up with bold accessories (belt, shoes & bag) for vamped up evening attire!
Saturday, 30 June 2012

The most beautiful shoe I have seen in a very long time...
And with all things with roses on, I feel like I have an obligation to buy them. I only with they hadn't made it peep-toe because in winter, the fear of frostbite on my toes could result in them being another pair for the shelf of beauty rather than for strutting the pavement!
High Heels,
Miss Selfridge,
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
I'll start queuing for the popcorn...
Having had two wedding invites through the post and a secret girl-crush on Emily Blunt ever since I saw her filming with Ewan McGreggor in the Bluefin Building - I can't wait to see what the makers of 'Bridesmaid' have come up with. I hope it ends with a wedding that encourages lots of 'oohs' and 'aahs' from the audience.
A fantastic cast and another one with strong likeness to 'Bridesmaids' least where the cast is concerned. In a press interview, Jon Hamm revealed he wrote this screenplay with his wife based loosely on some of their friends and was filmed before the cast had got together to shoot 'Bridesmaids'. Not sure if this will be one to watch with your mother in the cinema...unless you want to hear her laughing as some inappropriate jokes.
I first saw some interesting images in the weeklies with Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez on the film set sporting some interesting bumps (some natural... some definitely not!) Looks like it gives a funny perspective from both prospective mothers and fathers. Wonder how I'll feel about having children after watching this for 90 minutes?
Friday, 25 May 2012
The Only Way is... Snowdon!
Marking the 20th anniversary of my cousin's first ever ascent of Snowdon, a group of twenty of us have located our climbing boots from the back of our wardrobes and headed for North Wales for the weekend.
On the 25th May 2012, I shall be donning my backpack with water and jelly babies for fuel along with (luckily) layers of sunscreen rather than clothing. Up the Miners track and down the Pyg track with hopefully a spectacular view at the summit. Considering last time I climbed the 3,465ft I burst into tears at the top with no prospect of temporary warmth, food or even a view, I think things are looking up this time (excuse the pun)!
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On the 25th May 2012, I shall be donning my backpack with water and jelly babies for fuel along with (luckily) layers of sunscreen rather than clothing. Up the Miners track and down the Pyg track with hopefully a spectacular view at the summit. Considering last time I climbed the 3,465ft I burst into tears at the top with no prospect of temporary warmth, food or even a view, I think things are looking up this time (excuse the pun)!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
"Make mine a Vodka + Water"
Not my usual tipple of choice but if you think about it, a very sensible one! A drink that re-hydrates with the water mixer as you drink, therefore counter-balancing the general effect of a headache the next day whilst not altogether compromising alcohol consumption. The usual Vodka+Coke or Vodka+Lemonade, whilst tasty, are full of sugar and, like any carbonated drink, can lead to bloating. And no one wants to feel like a beached whale on a night out!
As long as you have a friend to warn you, "Don't gulp, just sip" to avoid drinking at twice the speed, this could be a calorie-saving way to enjoy drinking!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
As long as you have a friend to warn you, "Don't gulp, just sip" to avoid drinking at twice the speed, this could be a calorie-saving way to enjoy drinking!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
The Traditional Roast. Also the traditional hangover cure?
I'm not quite sure I agree with the above but on a pub-lunch outing a couple of weeks ago, two friends with significant hangovers, sleep deprivation and dehydration defied the sunshine outside and ordered a Roast Beef with all the trimmings. To that, yes, I raised an eyebrow as well. I'm used to people preferring the more conventional MacDonalds or, really, any form of fast-food to get the blood sugar levels up to help you through the head-pounding stage of recovery.
But each to their own...
Whilst I tucked into my British beef burger and chips (always the best dish from West London pubs I've found...Sausage & Mash a close second), I could see my friends were looking on in envy as they struggled to chew the rare beef, consume the roasties AND yorkshire puds and wash down any hint of the horseraddish sauce!
When a hangover hits, there's nothing worse than facing a mammoth meal (have you seen the amount of food on that plate?!!) But whilst I was battling with a 'food baby' this may as well have been an 'after' photo for the amount they actually managed to eat!
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But each to their own...
Whilst I tucked into my British beef burger and chips (always the best dish from West London pubs I've found...Sausage & Mash a close second), I could see my friends were looking on in envy as they struggled to chew the rare beef, consume the roasties AND yorkshire puds and wash down any hint of the horseraddish sauce!
When a hangover hits, there's nothing worse than facing a mammoth meal (have you seen the amount of food on that plate?!!) But whilst I was battling with a 'food baby' this may as well have been an 'after' photo for the amount they actually managed to eat!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Going Bananas for Shoes?

I think the message is clear here: Women go bananas for shoes.
And ALDO have created a humorous take on this fact for the promotion of the re-opening of their flagship store on Oxford Street. Using a fantastic use of colour blocking for an on-trend, eye-catching invite through an emailer, this POS even questions the stereotype of white shoes. If they would look as good on me as they do on the model, I'm sold. (Along with the whole of Essex, I'd imagine!)
The flagship ALDO store is re-opening on Saturday 21st April. Head to 309 Oxford Street any time between 10am and 7pm for a bit of all-round girlie pampering. A dream shoe shopping experience with a) most importantly, discount, b) complimentary ALDO manicures by The Illustrated Nail c) all-you-can-eat pick-and-mix all of which is to the tunes of DJs Amber Atherton and Work It Girls. I doubt even Imelda Marcos would change anything about that event!!
I aDior it!
The number of girl crushes on Mila Kunis must have soared when the photographs came through from Christian Dior's SS2012 campaign. Not only did every woman who set eyes on her in Black Swan get body-envy, the recent release of the rom-com Friends With Benefits gave us all man-envy as she gets down and dirty with Justin Timberlake and to top it off she is now giving every woman handbag envy!!
Audrey Hepburn eat your heart out (image sourced online)
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
The Twisted Top Knot
It's always a pleasant surprise when you hear of a fashion trend that you are already encompassing. It's the same satisfying feeling like when you discover you already have the ultimate outfit to match a new fashion trend. Well this is how I felt when I stumbled across the 'Twisted Top Knot' hairstyle promoted in Look magazine this week (March 2012).

Not quite sure I look as good as Jessica Hart when I rock this hair-do but that's generally because I scrape my hair back into this vertical bundle when I'm working out in the gym or doing the housework!! Maybe I should try mixing it with some Raybans and faded denim shorts to get that urban kooky look!

Not quite sure I look as good as Jessica Hart when I rock this hair-do but that's generally because I scrape my hair back into this vertical bundle when I'm working out in the gym or doing the housework!! Maybe I should try mixing it with some Raybans and faded denim shorts to get that urban kooky look!
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Covent Garden's equivalent to New York's Prada?
Ok so the product might be slightly different but with out of this world merchandising and grand staircase, the site of this Kurt Geiger store really does capture your attention! Compared with the Flagship Dune store situated just metres apart, th difference between these otherwise similar footwear brands is staggering. Hail Kurt Geiger Covent Garden is the place to adorn your feet WITH style and IN style.
P.s. I've now added that stiletto chandelier to my walk-in wardrobe design!
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Monday, 30 January 2012
Diamonds are a girl's best friend...
Every girl has thought about what they want their engagement ring to look like. It's the most important piece of jewellery you are likely to receive in your whole life, yes that's includes topping the wedding ring (it's just a plain band after all!). Think how many people ask to see your hand when they hear news of the engagement? It's worth the 3 months salary or whatever the rule is which your fiancee will have to pay. (Isn't it funny how the word 'fiancee' and 'finance' are so similar...coincidence?)
I have thought about my dream engagement ring, yes like most of the female population! I'm pretty sure I experienced love at first sight on the 2nd floor of Tiffanys on Fifth Avenue, New York.

However, a few years on, I got to thinking more about more than just the 'bling'. Shocking for me to admit, yes, but the ring I came across today has just the right combination of sparkle and originality. Both my Mother and Grandmother had engagement rings which featured sapphires which looked almost black compared against the diamonds and I like the idea of keeping this tradition. The ultimate sapphire engagement ring has to be that of Princess Diana and now Kate Middleton. That looks sure to weigh you down!

Kate Middleton's Engagement Ring
So many engagement rings these days are square diamond. I genuinely mean it when I say it's not just about a big rock. Yes size does matter but the design has be beautiful. Hence, see below...

14K Round Rosette Black Diamond Ring, Anna Sheffield
The “Rosette” series is a vintage inspired silhouette with tiny diamonds encircling the center stone. Created in oval, round, and cushion shaped versions, this design is a nod to the past with a thoroughly modern look.
I have thought about my dream engagement ring, yes like most of the female population! I'm pretty sure I experienced love at first sight on the 2nd floor of Tiffanys on Fifth Avenue, New York.

However, a few years on, I got to thinking more about more than just the 'bling'. Shocking for me to admit, yes, but the ring I came across today has just the right combination of sparkle and originality. Both my Mother and Grandmother had engagement rings which featured sapphires which looked almost black compared against the diamonds and I like the idea of keeping this tradition. The ultimate sapphire engagement ring has to be that of Princess Diana and now Kate Middleton. That looks sure to weigh you down!

Kate Middleton's Engagement Ring
So many engagement rings these days are square diamond. I genuinely mean it when I say it's not just about a big rock. Yes size does matter but the design has be beautiful. Hence, see below...

14K Round Rosette Black Diamond Ring, Anna Sheffield
The “Rosette” series is a vintage inspired silhouette with tiny diamonds encircling the center stone. Created in oval, round, and cushion shaped versions, this design is a nod to the past with a thoroughly modern look.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Fabulous article...
Quite scary the similaries I find in the tone of voice, point of references and choice of topic...
Definitely check this one out!
Definitely check this one out!
Monday, 2 January 2012
Movie time!
It's about time I got to know some of the classic films there are out there. Take Breakfast At Tiffanys for example, an absolute classic with a massively influential fashion icon as the leading lady. This year, 2012, I shall open my eyes to some of the more classic films that have been created and not shying away from the old black and white ones.
Here is the top 10 from the ultimate source, IMDb, which will be my go-to guide for my task ahead:
1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
2. The Godfather (1972)
3. The Godfather: Part II (1974)
4. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
5. Pulp Fiction (1994)
6. 12 Angry Men (1957)
7. Schindler's List (1993)
8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
9. The Dark Knight (2008)
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Here is the top 10 from the ultimate source, IMDb, which will be my go-to guide for my task ahead:
1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
2. The Godfather (1972)
3. The Godfather: Part II (1974)
4. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
5. Pulp Fiction (1994)
6. 12 Angry Men (1957)
7. Schindler's List (1993)
8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
9. The Dark Knight (2008)
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
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