Friday, 13 March 2015

Life 5 Years after a Fashion Degree

In the 12 months that followed graduation from Nottingham Trent University I was in a complete state of denial. Denial that the fun party days were over and the 'real world' and all it's fun responsibility, financial woes and daily grind was beckoning. I even penned my woes in a column 'Life After A Fashion Degree' which was published in the university magazine, Platform. Clinging on despite now residing 135 miles away. With three friends still living the dream thanks to 4-year courses, MAs or having returned from a year in industry, I had the perfect base to relive a few wild nights. The silver lining? At least I could afford the shots I drunkenly ordered at 1am.

5 years on I am in the swing of my new 'grown up' bubble; a rewarding yet demanding job, domestic bliss with a man that I even enjoy doing the weekly food shop with and more nights in on the sofa than I care to admit. 

So take the 25 year old me and put her back in the scene of my 19 year old self in Nottingham's wild student days for a weekend, what will happen? I can't quite imagine sitting cross-legged on the floor of Oceana refusing to let the night be over, or throwing myself into the thick of a foam party in EQ (sorry Jumpin Jacks or whatever it is called this week) and let's hope there's no undignified call history the next morning. Meeting up with 3 of my housemates from the Fresher's heaven of Sandby Halls (the fact that current students won't even know 'Sandby' due to demolition possibly sets the tone for feeling old and nostalgic) to celebrate one of their 26th birthdays makes me think that if this weekend were a film, it might be a little similar to 'Last Vegas'. 

So whilst I ignore the scene of the midlands flying past whilst I sit on the train, I'm thinking off the top of my head a few things I want to do whilst reliving my student days this weekend!

1. Sit in the Orange Tree and remember all the hours and halloumi burgers consumed by project work over the course of 6 semesters. Also whilst missing the best barmaid to ever work there and her awesome Cosmopolitans!

2. Tour the key sights; the new SU, the library, student shop, Victoria Centre, Market Square, Lace Market, the Premier Inn, the Arboretum, the tram stop and the police station (don't ask). 

3. Cocktails with a view at Saltwater. 

4. See if we can still stomach the £1 glass of wine at the Blue Bell. 

5. Let the alcohol in my body demand a Big Mac meal without the guilt. 

6. Visit Nottingham Castle (shamefully it would be my first time)

7. Discover a secret room in Coco Tang with a bag full of refresher sweets as a reminder of the night. 

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