Tuesday 29 June 2010

Freshers-Fifteen going on Third-Year Thirty

Everyone expects new students to indulge fully in the student lifestyle for a while: late nights, heavily alcohol-fuelled and kebabs at 4am etc. etc. Well I wasn't an exception to this rule. Cooking in a kitchen shared by 13 people was never a particularly nice or hygienic environment to want to prepare and cook food. The speed-dial for the local Chinese was always a more appealing option.

However, the Fresher's fifteen (pounds in weight, that is) became a reality for me and whilst my initiative was there to join the University gym, the self-conscious part of me dreaded (and in turn completely put off) actually attending for fear of sweating it out in front any fitties!

Instead, here I am at the end of my 2nd year with many hangover-curing MacDonald's and Burger King's under my belt (literally) seeing the effects of University life on my waistline. So I have attempted to take control and take advantage of my youth (while I have it) and getting into shape. I'm not promising a half-marathon (like my sister) or even a 10k but I do hope to tone up all the wobbly bits!

My second visit to the gym today consisted of an aerobics class with a bunch of menopausal women followed by an aqua-aerobics class with 60+ women. It struck me as rather odd that these "Older Women" were so eager to get into the swimsuits having had two grandmothers who refused to sit by a pool in anything other than shorts and a t-shirt and a mother who relies on her sarong and kaftan like a safety blanket. But then the instructor walked out: tanned, tones and in tiny shorts! Not sure I'll be back next week but I'll be damn sure they will be...

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