Thursday 25 February 2010

La Vie en Rose au Parie: Premiere Vision

Today was the day which explained the whole reason we had taken the trip to Paris at this time. Premiere Vision is a world-aclaimed trade show which is held in the outskirts of Paris to showcase the trends predicted for Spring/Summer 2011 and in particular the fabrics that buyers and designers should be taking note of. Our visit to Premier Vision has provided the biggest insight with regards to colours, textures and fabrics.

A combination of leaflets and articles that I collected from Premier Vision suggested a trend for workwear, implying that fabrics will be faded and stressed including elements such as ripping to create the worn in look. This trend has been considered when identifying key colours, textures and fabrics. Loving the fact that my ripped demin jeans will back in the height of fashion the year after next was really exciting (especially for my bank balance!).

Haivng been to the trade show Pure in Earl Court, London, this scene was not entirely new to me. In fact I felt I was at more of an advantage at Pure as I was able to walk around with a Buyer/Agent for her own fashion company. Therefore I gained an understanding of how a buyer and/or agent would approach an event like this, how they would record the information and translate this into necessary information for her business. However, as I had this insight I was able to consider this at Premiere Vision. The disappointing factor was that as a ‘Student Day’ at Premiere Vision, buyers and textile designers were not interested in speaking with us and by midday many stands were packing up to leave or had already vacated!!

Getting to see a short film informing us of the future 2011 trends was helpful and perhaps the most interesting part of the day. This was to massively help with the formation of my Paris Trend Briefing which I was to present on my return. Dragging our feet around, tired (from even more drilling) and hungry (unable to afford the ludicrous food prices), by 2pm everyone was sat at the entrance just willing the lecturers to turn up earlier and arrange the coaches to take us home!

Our final night was definitely marked with celebration. We all made an effort to dress up, i.e. not wear thermals, trackies or worn-out fleeces (I’m kidding, like we ever wore that? But you get my point…) and went out for dinner to meet the majority of our tour group at our favourite haunt, De la Ville CafĂ©. Another amazing dinner later (gourmet cheeseburger again for me. Don’t judge, Megs got the steak again by which point she’d had four steaks in a row!! Judge her.) and our trip had come to an end. The nightmare of packing was hanging over us just as badly as the early morning get-up was looming but we had all started to get excited by the thought that our clean beds were only a few hours away.

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